Winter Solstice
Unity of life and Nature
It took ancient humans a long time to understand the objective reality of Nature. Seeing the Winter Solstice as the beginning of a new solar cycle was the first step in human awareness of the basic unity of life and Nature. It was followed by the understanding that no matter what local differences exist in the weather, climate and geography between people living in different places on the Earth, we all live under the same sky and are governed by the same Natural laws.
Celebrating the return of light
The four quarterly poles in the yearly calendar are times when new energies arise and can be utilized to prepare for these new cycles. By attuning yourself to Nature’s cycles you can benefit from her rejuvenating and healing energy for physical and spiritual renewal. It works the same way as surfing – you use right timing to select the most auspicious wave to carry you in the strong and correct path. The Winter Solstice is a good time to let go, renew yourself and quietly welcome the new cycle of sunlight that will govern all our activities the coming year.
How to attune yourself to this pivotal moment
During the time of the Solstice (including around three weeks before and after the exact day of the Winter solstice) you can meditate by yourself or with a group, practice natural movement or use ceremonies to refresh and integrate your body, mind and spirit. Mostly, this means to quiet down a little and let your natural antennae pick up the supportive signals of nature.
A simple practice
Around or on the day of the Solstice, light a candle and sit quietly facing North; Start by breathing deeply, letting go of the past year’s stress, busyness, clutter, difficulties or negative experiences with each exhale, repeating 6 - 9 times. Then change your focus, and gently let the birthing energy of the new seasonal cycle with its new light fill your being with each new inhale. Remain very quiet and inwardly contained like keeping a happy secret, repeating 6 - 9 times. (For more information, see also: Foundation of a Happy Life, by Ni, Hua Ching).
Natural wisdom
As the birth point of natural phenomena, the Winter Solstice is also a reminder to initiate all human knowledge and social service to be consistent and consonant with natural reality and the sustainability of human life in harmony with Nature and her continuing cycles of growth.
We wish you a very happy holiday season!
Peter and Claire