Tai Chi classes, seminars and training
harmony style tai chi
Harmony Style Tai Chi – Harmony Style Tai Chi is a Taoist distillation of the popular Yang, Chen and Wu styles of Tai Chi Chuan. Harmony Tai Chi embodies the same natural principles found in the Tao Teh Ching. Among its many benefits, the gently circular movement of Tai Chi deeply activates Qi and blood circulation in all joints, enhances balance and equilibrium and gathers energy. The harmonious dance of Tai Chi is known for its ability to reduce stress promoting smoothness, deep calm and poise in handling all life situations. Harmony Tai Chi teaches us how to preserve a safe, personal space by recycling one's energy and harmonizing conflict; deflecting negativity and welcoming positive energy. Tai Chi is an excellent study for performers, teachers, leaders and health care givers or anyone interested in discovering a gentle, self-strengthening way of moving with life. Taught in four levels.
In order to dissolve blockages and reap more benefits from Tai Chi practice, we recommend Eight Treasures Qigong as a preparatory form.
Harmony Tai Chi is like the rhythmic dance of the four seasons - sprouting, expanding, harvesting and returning to the root - a dance that endlessly renews itself. - Dr Mao Shing Ni
Taught in sections - Essentials / Fundamentals, Introductory 18 & 28 step forms + Yin / 58-step & Yang / 50-step of full 108-step form
Essentials / Fundamentals: This class is an essential pre-requisite to learning Tai Chi safely and smoothly while gaining the potential benefits. We recommend you take it ASAP during your Tai Chi studies. You will learn or review Harmony Tai Chi basics of movement, coordination, breathing and Chi conducting through some of the fundamental movement patterns found in all Levels of Harmony Tai Chi. This class can be taken as a stand alone class or to deepen one’s Tai Chi practice. Students will learn simple repeatable movement patterns they can practice daily to start them on a path of personal Tai Chi practice or to reinforce their practice of the 18, 28, 58 & 50 (108) step forms.
Level one & two - 18-Step & 28-Step Harmony Tai Chi - In this class we learn a short, easy to learn, non-martial Tai Chi form. We will explore each movement thru repetitive patterns, discovering the principles embodied in each step. Our explorations include learning how each movement becomes a subtle behavioral model we can apply in daily life. You are guided to discover your own Tai Chi Earth dance, cultivating a strong and flexible relationship with the ground that allows you to manage with ease the changing energy patterns of life. As a next step, we string together the learned sequences into the 18 steps and 28 steps Tai Chi dance of the ancient wise ones. Prior experience with Qigong or other Tai Chi forms is highly recommended.
Level three: 58-step Harmony Tai Chi - continuing module with pre-requisite Tai Chi Essentials & 18-step Tai Chi required. 58-step is the Yin phase of the complete 108-step form.
Level four: 50-step Harmony Tai Chi - continuing module with pre-requisite Tai Chi Essentials & 18-step Tai Chi required. 50-step is the Yang phase of the complete 108-step form.
Instructor: Claire C Cunneen is a Taoist Mentor and has taught Harmony Style Tai Chi for over 30 years. For more on Claire
LEARNing harmony style tai Chi
Online - Harmony Tai Chi (HTC) 18 & 28-Step - small group instruction
7-Tuesday series, 5-6:00pm, CEU: RME, ASCA - 7hrs
CHF 125.- (95.- current students or patients or to repeat the class)
HTC 18-Step - 7-week Winter ‘25 series: Feb 11 - March 25
HTC 18-Step - 7-week Spring ‘25 series: May 6 - June 17
HTC 28-Step - 7-week Fall ‘25 series: Oct 7 - Nov 25 (no class Oct 21)
Online - Harmony Tai Chi (HTC) 50-Step - small group instruction
7-Tuesday series, 6-7:00pm, CEU: RME, ASCA - 7hrs
CHF 125.- (95.- current students or patients)
HTC 50-Step - 7-week Winter ‘25 series: Feb 11 - March 25
HTC 50-Step - 7-week Spring ‘25 series: May 6 - June 17
HTC 50-Step - 7-week Fall ‘25 series: Oct 7 - Nov 25 (no class Oct 21)
Live - Harmony Tai Chi Essentials (Fundamentals) in Geneva
CEU: RME, ASCA - 2hrs, CHF 50.- (CHF 40.- repeat)
HTCFundW - Essentials, Winter ‘25: Saturday March 15, 2-4pm
For more information about training to teach Harmony Style Tai Chi, click below:
Tai chi Form Review
Chi Rivers offers Form review seminars focusing on each of the 18-step, 28-step, 58-step & 108-step forms. The in-depth review seminars can be taken to deepen one's personal practice or as a pre-requisite for taking the teaching intensive & exam for each section. Candidacy for Harmony Tai Chi teaching certification is determined on an individual basis with the instructor.
Live practice & in-depth review in Geneva
CEU: RME, ASCA - 2hrs, CHF 50.-, 2025 Dates - tba
Live - Harmony Tai Chi 50-Step - practice & in-depth review, in Geneva
Pre-requisite: HTC 50-Step online course(s)
HTC 50-Step - Spring ‘25: 1 Sunday 11:15-1:15pm + Fall ‘25: 1 Sunday 11:15-1:15pm (schedule to be confirmed with HTC 50-Steps participants)
Live - Harmony Tai Chi 18 & 28-Step - practice & in-depth review, in Geneva
Pre-requisite: HTC 18 or 28-Step online course(s)
HTCRev18S - 18-Step, Spring ‘25: tba - 1 Saturday 2-4pm
HTCRev28F - 28-Step, Fall ‘25: tba - 1 Saturday 2-4pm
““L’enseignement est conçu et vécu pour rendre l’élève autonome. Vos conseils pour cultiver l’esprit du débutant en témoignent. Un immense merci et heureuse pratique à tous.” GJ
”I profited greatly from your deep knowledge of the exercises and the philosophy.” VD
”Very inspired by the class. I now practice regularly with this natural teaching.” PS
”I’m still doing Tai Chi and Qi-Gong. I do feel changed psychologically compared to 10 years ago, mostly for the better. Even changed my view of social affairs, by thinking more in the spirit of the Dao. Tai Chi was very important in my recovery from a viral myelitis. It took many years, but I’m fine now. Thank you!” WL”