Happy New Year 2025!
As we all know, the New Year period is a good time to look forward toward the new, in setting goals and positive resolutions.
As we transition into 2025, the thousands-years-old Taoist energy calendar tells us that, after the yang energy of the Dragon 2024, we are entering a new year of more yin, receptive and internal qualities characterized by the two active energies of vegetation and fire. This will mean both more mental clarity, optimism, activity, growth, as well as open-heartedness on the one hand, but also “flammable” events, emotional excesses and confusion on the negative side.
In this context, it is even more appropriate for each of us to reflect on our life purpose in order to strengthen our positive root and extend our sails for a smooth, flexible journey across this changeable new cycle.
2025 Year of the Wooden Snake
““Taoist teachings encourage us to “empty the cup” so it can be filled again. Letting go of old grievances or unrealistic expectations allows for clarity to take place. The Tao Teh Ching reminds us “To grasp something new, first let go of the old.””
According to the Taoist Energy Calendar, 2025 is characterized by Yin Fire and Yin Wood. Both energies work well together as Wood nourishes Fire. We may however witness many instances where this energy team begets excess, exacerbating the negative aspects of Yin Fire. Yin is hidden, Yin Fire can be sudden and explosive like a snake’s attack; it can also spread far and wide like a snake traveling at lightning speed. Although there will be more willingness to come to the table to negotiate, we may witness many surprises, uncontrollable political turmoil, sudden changes, plots or coups. Fire is also the energy of speculation: the stock market may experience highs, but we should remember that excessive heights are balanced with big and often sudden drops.
In terms of health, the nervous system and the cardiovascular systems are particularly sensitive to excess. So, be sure to take time to relax, let go, and breathe fresh air. We may see flare-ups of infectious diseases that rapidly spread; to preserve our immune system and root energy, let’s be mindful of when to stop and rest.
Our planet is overheating. In a year with Wood and Fire energies, this will become even more obvious. However, the friendly and gentle aspect of the Wooden Snake will hopefully motivate everyone to work as one to rebalance our climate.
The Snake is wise and adaptable. The I Ching teaches us that Wood and Fire, when in balance, is like a mother and child relationship - intimate like in a family supported by unconditional love and the necessity to discipline oneself and harmonize with different people and relationships in order to create a common gathering that nurtures each member of the group for healthy growth, renewal and transformation.
According to the I Ching, the combination of Fire and Wood also indicates a cauldron on a stove and the art of cooking. Wood feeds the Fire that needs to be carefully monitored so that the ingredients being cooked can transform into a delicious dish; too strong a fire and the dish is burnt, not enough heat and the ingredients don’t cook and harmonize into the desired nutritive meal. Cooking is a perfect metaphor for personal health and growth: our life is a combination of differing energies that need to continuously harmonize anew for life to flourish. In Taoist practice, we use Qigong, meditation, Dao-In and Tai Chi for this personal cooking process traditionally termed internal alchemy, the art of positive growth and transformation: simple and profound recipes designed to help us balance and artfully refine our physical energies into various levels of Qi (energy).
The Snake has a mystical aspect: it is here, but then it isn’t, ready to let go, shed its skin, and transform into a new being.
2025 might then teach each of us to be wise, shed our old habits and transform in order to face the looming changes of our times. With optimism and a sense of natural contentment, we should gracefully move forward, keeping close to the ground, embracing the earth with our undulations, keeping alert for our safety while opening a warm heart. In this way and with humble efforts, each of us may transform the big or small challenges we encounter into unique opportunities for internal growth and maturation and precisely knit a new direction for our common human family.
Life purpose practice
“Move with purpose, not pressure.” Vex King
A simple reflection practice is to ask ourselves daily: “What is the purpose of my life?”
Let your heart / mind respond, and then breathe deeply to let your response go. Repeat this process a few times and record your heart / mind expressions in a journal. Later you may quietly consult your journal for further reflection.
Repeat this practice daily for one, two, or three weeks. The goal of the practice is not an intellectual exercise: it is to help you reach the heart of your purpose; no fancy thoughts or mental elaboration are needed, just let your heart speak.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy and productive new cycle!